Summer Souvenir - PDF Pattern
With this Basket and Mouse PDF pattern and the accessories of your choice you will always have a perfect holiday souvenir or a little gift with many possibilities. The little basket is made of wool felt with a firm bottom and edges. The basket is 11 cm (4.33") long, almost 8 cm (3.15") wide and with handle 10 cm (3.93") high. The mouse is 8 cm (3.15") high. In this PDF file you can find patterns and descriptions to make the lavender variation, the beach, and the strawberry variation. Always a lovely idea to collect small holiday souvenirs, like lavender and soap from France, strawberry jam from England or shells from the beach. But also use the basket and mouse for a personalized gift. For example, fill the basket with Macarons and dress the mouse in pastel pink. Or put luxury chocolates in the basket and dress the mouse in off white. Put dried flowers in it, together with a mouse and a sachet of seeds, little samples of luxury creams and a ticket for a wellness day. A great gift for a friend, a teacher at the end of the year, for mothers, sisters or just for yourself.

Summer Souvenir - PDF Pattern

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Wool Felt Wonders
Price 6.75
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With this Basket and Mouse PDF pattern and the accessories of your choice you will always have a perfect holiday souvenir or a little gift with many possibilities.

The little basket is made of wool felt with a firm bottom and edges. The basket is 11 cm (4.33") long, almost 8 cm (3.15") wide and with handle 10 cm (3.93") high. The mouse is 8 cm (3.15") high.

In this PDF file you can find patterns and descriptions to make the lavender variation, the beach, and the strawberry variation. Always a lovely idea to collect small holiday souvenirs, like lavender and soap from France, strawberry jam from England or shells from the beach.

But also use the basket and mouse for a personalized gift.
For example, fill the basket with Macarons and dress the mouse in pastel pink. Or put luxury chocolates in the basket and dress the mouse in off white.
Put dried flowers in it, together with a mouse and a sachet of seeds, little samples of luxury creams and a ticket for a wellness day.
A great gift for a friend, a teacher at the end of the year, for mothers, sisters or just for yourself.