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$3.00 Made With Love - 6 Sizes! $55.00 For the Sewer Set - 3 Sizes! $4.99 Saw Dust Is Man Glitter Sketchy - 4 Sizes! $2.00 One Stitch At A Time Star Square $6.00 In The Hoop, I Spy Christmas Tree - 3 Sizes! $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 4x4 $5.00 I...Cross Stitch - 4 x 4 $6.00 In The Hoop, I Spy Santa - 3 Sizes! $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 4x5 $6.00 I Spy, In The Hoop Snowman - 3 Sizes! $40.00 For the Sewer Set - 5x7 $5.00 I...Scrapbook - 4 x 4 $2.70 Hand Made Crafts - 5 Sizes! $8.00 Paris Toad - 2 Sizes! $5.00 I...Scrapbook ITH Mug Rug - 5 x 7 $3.20 Fishing Truck Applique - 4 Sizes $5.00 Sewing Under The Sea 2 - 5x7 $18.50 LiL' Buckaroo Rag Quilt and Pillow Set, 15 Designs - 5x7 $3.60 Camera Applique - 4 Sizes! $3.79 FSL Thread Spool Drop - 4 Sizes! $5.49 You are Sew Special - 2 Sizes! $3.79 Fishing Pole - 4x4 $10.50 Crazy Patch Heart - 3 Sizes! $7.49 Hooked on Crochet - 4x4 $2.00 Mason Jar with Yarn Balls - 4x4 $30.00 Crafty Cuties Set - 2 Sizes! $9.99 Notions Bag Side Zip Zipper Bags - 2 Sizes! $20.00 Crafty Cuties Set - 4x5 $20.00 Crafty Cuties Set - 5x7 $2.60 School Applique 6 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Motivational Sayings 5 - 4 Sizes! $5.29 Sew On - 5x7 $3.80 Embroidery Word Art - Clipart $3.79 FSL Sewing Machine Circle - 3 Sizes! $5.09 Cut Once $4.20 Lovers Paragliding over the Mountains - 3 Sizes $3.60 Sewing Machine Quick Stitch - 5 Sizes! $3.60 ITH Paint Palette Ornament - 3 Sizes $6.84 Homemade With Love $7.50 Bathtub Applique, 2 Sizes - Bonus Ducky! $13.50 Sewing Room Basket - 8x11 $10.00 Woman Cave - 3 Sizes! $15.00 Woman Cave Blocks - 5x7 $20.00 Woman Cave Tiled Blocks - 3 Sizes! $6.50 Applique Star Pin Label And ID-Tag $4.99 Stitched By - 4x4 $7.50 Never Too Many Mug Rug - 5x7 $25.00 Antique Dress Forms Set - 3 Sizes! $8.50 Cuddly Teddy Bear 2, 1 - 2 Sizes! $16.00 Sewing Fun 6 Set, 10 Designs - 2 Sizes! $5.09 Knit Happens - 4x4 $9.50 Pookie Cat 1 by Maria van Bruggen, Cat Knit - 5x7 $55.00 My Sewing Room Set - 2 Sizes $9.50 Pookie Cat 1 by Maria van Bruggen, Cross Stitch Cat - 5x7 $35.00 My Sewing Room Set - 4x4 $40.00 My Sewing Room Set - 5x7 $2.25 Antique Sewing Machine - Cutting Files $45.00 Sew-A-Stitch Set $16.50 Bibs and Burps Set for Boys - 4x4 $4.50 Spiddy Up - 4x4

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