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$2.60 Garden Sayings Too 12 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 11 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 10 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 9 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 8 - 3 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 7 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 6 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 5 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 4 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 3 - 4 Sizes $2.60 Garden Sayings Too 2 - 3 Sizes $13.00 Garden Sayings Too Set - 12 Designs $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 10 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 9 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 8 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 7 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 6 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 5 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 4 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 3 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 2 - 3 Sizes $4.00 Vintage Best Friends 3, 1 - 3 Sizes $16.00 Vintage Best Friends 3 Set, 10 Designs - 3 Sizes $2.00 Woman Portrait for a Beauty Salon - 4 Sizes $3.79 A True Friend - 3 Sizes Free! FREE! My Best Buddy - 4 x 4 $3.99 Coffee My Friend - 2 Sizes $2.00 The Cutest Puppy Face $2.10 The Cutest German Shepherd - 4 Sizes $7.50 Mother’s Day 8 - 3 Sizes! $3.79 Loyal Friend - 4x4 $18.00 Friendship Mug Rug Set - 5x7 $1.80 A Friend Loves At All Times -12 Sizes! $3.79 Say Anything Nice - 4x4 $1.95 Mr. and Mrs. Three 2 - Cutting Files & Clipart $4.50 Big Thighs Friends - 2 Sizes! $3.00 Snowman and Friend Ornament - 4x4 Free! FREE! Blackwork Stuff For Kids To Do - 4x4 Free! FREE! Stuff For Kids To Do - 4x4 $6.49 Best Friends Butterflies - 4x4 $7.50 Snow Glad Mug Rug - 5x7 $2.60 Diet Sentiments 2 - 2 Sizes! $4.00 BFF Applique - 3 Sizes! $5.95 No Friend Like A Mother - 4x4 $4.00 Fancy Faces 5 - 5x7 $1.80 Mommy is My BFF Applique - 10 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 15 - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 14 - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 10 - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 8 - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 7 - 2 Sizes! $2.60 Nostalgia Stix 6 - 2 Sizes! $1.80 Friendship Calligraphy Script, Small - 5 Sizes! $1.80 Friendship Calligraphy Script, Large - 6 Sizes! $7.95 Friendship Saying - 5x5 $2.60 Huggables 28 - 3 Sizes! $2.60 Huggables 27 - 3 Sizes! $7.95 Friends Wine Tote - 5x7 $1.80 Some Of My Best Friends Are Flakes, Small - 8 Sizes! $1.80 Some Of My Best Friends Are Flakes, Large - 7 Sizes!

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